Bosite mercury antimony ore treatment method, mercury and antimony symbiotic ore flotation separation to separate mercury and antimony, gold and antimony separation
Antimony, like mercury, has obvious sulfur-loving properties, mainly forms sulfide minerals, and accumulates in mineralizing hydrothermal fluids stage. In nature, there are many known antimony-containing minerals, but the most important industrial mineral is only antimonyite. The specific gravity of stibnite is...hardness...
The specific gravity, color and metallic luster of antimonite are significantly different from gangue minerals. Therefore, most antimonite can achieve certain separation effects by using a single gravity separation method. Since gravity separation costs are low and pollution-free, qualified antimony concentrate can be directly produced within a certain particle size range. Therefore, gravity separation is the most important method for processing antimony ores and can also be used as a pre-selection before flotation. For example, a tungsten-antimony-gold mine in Hunan uses gravity separation to select coarse-grained tungsten-antimony-gold minerals from the ore and then uses flotation to recover the stibnite.
There are many types of gravity selection equipment, but currently the most economical and effective gravity selection equipment is the jig. Using a jig to sort antimony ores has the advantages of high recovery rate, large enrichment ratio, large processing capacity, low investment, and no pollution. It is the first choice equipment for your success. Henan Bosite Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has been engaged in the research and development and production of jigs for many years. It has continuously improved and updated jigs, and has solved the problems of small particle size range and large water consumption of jigs. The usage efficiency of the jigs produced by our factory is obviously better than that of similar domestic products. The equipment models are complete and there are large series. There are more than ten types of jigs for everyone to choose from. The selected granularity can be selected to meet the needs of different categories of customers. Our factory The newly developed dynamic screen jig overcomes the mineral processing problems in water-scarce areas and saves water resources.
Henan Bosite Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. can provide free mineral processing tests, which have verified the ore selectivity and the approximate investment plan. We welcome your visit.
Bosite mercury antimony ore treatment method, mercury and antimony symbiotic ore flotation separation, gold and antimony separation